Thursday, October 31, 2019
IKEA in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
IKEA in China - Essay Example The corporations decide to enter into new country to capture the new market and in this process they primarily focus cross cultural factors for building multicultural teams. However, they have to face several difficulties due to mismatch of organisation culture and social culture (Rajagopal, 2007, p.8). This paper will attempt to analyse distinct features of cross cultural differences affecting international trade in context of IKEA’s business in China. To offer basic understandings and interpretations of cross cultural difference, some relevant models and concepts will be critically analysed and discussed. This paper will also include the basic difference of Swedish and Chinese cultures. Role of expatriate managers in managing multi-national corporations will also be discussed. Finally, the paper will end by summing up the entire discussions and findings. IKEA is a privately-owned global furniture company. It is a Sweden-based company and founded by Ingvar Kamprad who started to sell matches at the age of seven during 1920. During 1940-1950, he entered into the furniture business and the business experienced a rapid growth within a short span of time (IKEA-a, 2010). Currently, it offers large varieties of furniture for domestic and commercial purposes. It also provides furniture for children (IKEA-b, 2010). IKEA has expanded its business in the global market and it is present in the entire Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia pacific regions. The business idea of IKEA focuses on its core value, product range, low price and betterment of everyday life of its valuable consumers (IKEA-c, 2010). Business and culture are inter-related with other and hence, before presenting critical analysis of cross culture, expatriate management and multicultural operations. The national culture is the prime factor that affects the culture of an organisation and its behaviour.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Technological Advantages Essay Example for Free
Technological Advantages Essay The Patriot Act of 2001 and the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 have both been controversial because of their passage. The Patriot Act was passed in response to the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, and the Federal Information Security Management Act was enacted as an offshoot of the former to help secure our nations internal information, financial and citizen’s personal information. Major advances in information technology have resulted in new ethical issues necessitating the passage and implementation of these acts. The Patriot Act of 2001 was signed in law by President George W. Bush and the key provisions were given a four-year extension by President Barrack Obama in 2011. It has been provocative from the start, with much political dissent, especially from moderates and liberals. (Lindaure,S. 2011) states â€Å"You see, contrary to rhetoric on Capitol Hill, The Patriot Act is first and foremost a weapon to bludgeon whistle blowers and political dissent.†Its intent was to help law enforcement in the gathering of information and to help regulate financial transactions as well to monitor our borders more intensely. The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 was written and passed to help secure information vital to the economic and national security interests for the United States. An earlier version was written as part of the Homeland Security Act. Its main goal and purpose is to improve computer and network security within the government and its contractors. The technological advances in past few years have been far and reaching. The average person cannot keep up with the dizzying pace of new and improved technological products. Criminals and terrorists continue to use the newest and most advanced technology to terrorize the public and steal from them. The 9/11 terrorists could enter the US illegally using fake passports/IDs produced with sophisticated computers and software. Secure and disposable cell phones were used to communicate with and they were financed with money laundered through financial shell organizations that used technology to hide the money. Many very intelligent and well educated computer hackers can/have entered numerous government, private financial organizations, and public institutions and have stolen identities, technology, money, military secrets, data, and private information. Some of the more cutting-edge technological advances that have caused the passing of these acts and the ethical issues are the introduction of Biometrics (facial/voice recognition). Increased video surveillance, which has increased by over 125% since 9/11, work place monitoring through GPS tracking, the transmitting of the location of all cellphones, blackberries, and laptops, when they are on, and database profiling through internet searches, supermarket purchases, credit card purchases, and toll booth marking. The most pressing ethical issue is the loss of individual privacy, personal rights and freedoms. To some people the citizens’ rights have been taken away and set back over 100 years. To others it’s an act of necessity for the good and security of the nation. The detaining of illegal aliens and racial profiling has caused many to question the legal aspects of these bills. The intrusion into citizens’ personal and financial information is also a very controversial ethical issue. Many citizens’ and private organization believe that the government has over-stepped their boundaries and is leaning towards a totalitarian form of government. Feingold,R(Senator)(2001)states that â€Å"You and I have a duty to analyze, to test, to weigh new laws that the zealous and often sincere advocates of security would suggest to us†. In conclusion, many people think that with the advances in technology that we are much safe than we were 20 years ago. This is true in many cases but is it worth the cost of many of the personal freedoms that our Constitution guarantees? The ethical issues that have arisen from these acts will be debated for many years. As long as there are criminals and terrorists there will be a need for action in the form of legislative acts and bills by the government. The safety of the nation as a whole and its private citizen is one of the primary functions of the government and there will always be dissent and division within that government and its constituents as to how it should protect them. References Lindauer S. (May 23, 2001)â€Å"The Intel Hub†retrieved from http://the Feingold,R(Oct,12,2001) On opposing the U.S.A. Patriot Act by Senator Russell Feingold Retrieved from Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 retrieved from Patriot Act of 2001 retrieved from
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Groups And Team Effectiveness
Groups And Team Effectiveness Organisational behaviour is a methodical learning of the behaviour and reactions of persons, groups and sub systems that actions to understand, explain, predict and change human behaviour that occurs in the organizational context. Organizational behavior can be defined as the study and application of knowledge about human behavior related to other elements of an organization such as structure, technology and social systems (LM Prasad). Stephen P Robins defines Organizational behavior as a systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations Groups and Teams Groups and teams in the association play a very significant in the performance of the association. For every achievement and breakdown in the organization teams and groups play a major role. Some groups and teams within the association function effectively while other disfunction. The employ of groups and teams inside an organization have enlarged on a worldwide scale in current years . Group: A group is nothing but two or additional persons who are interacting and mutually dependent, contain come together to attain a common objective. A work group is one which first and foremost interacts to share information and make decisions and to assist their collection members of their area. They dont enclose the chance to connect in collective work which wants joint attempt. Here production is just the adding up of individuals split work. Hence there is no much superior performance of work group. A figure of people who act together with one other are mentally aware of one another perceives themselves to be a compilation. Uniqueness of groups: Group consciousness A sense of shared purpose and identity Shared communication and net work Shared goals Interdependence Interaction Groups play a very important role on organizations. Groups are an essential feature of the work patterns of organizations. Types of groups: There are two types of groups: Formal groups In-formal groups Formal groups: Formal groups are created to achieve specific managerial objectives as well as be worried through the management of work activities Formal group include command groups, task groups, affinity groups Command groups are usually included in the organizational chart Task groups is created to perform specific task Affinity groups is created for new product development Formal groups tend to be relatively permanent, although there may be a change in the membership of the team Informal groups: In-formal groups serve to please the emotional and communal want of group members not connected essentially to the farm duties to be undertaken In-formal groups includes friendship groups and interest groups Friendship groups arises out of the cordial relationships among members and the enjoyment They get from being together. Interest groups are organized around a common activity or interest. They may be based on individual relations and association is able to hack across the official arrangement of the organization. Team: A team is a collection of people planned to work to gather interdependently and helpfully to gather the requirements of their clients by accomplishing a principle and goals. Teams are created for both long period and short period communication. Work teams have optimistic synergy which comes by their mutual effort. Hence the presentation level is better than sum of human being inputs and consequently work teams have superior capability and better production than employment group. Hence an association must own employment teams with following characteristics which are collective presentation, optimistic synergy, personality and mutual responsibility and balancing skills. . Team work can increase competitiveness by Improving productivity Improving quality and encouraging innovation Improving employee motivation and commitment Types of teams: There are different types of teams exist in organizations today. Some evolved naturally in the organizations others have been formally created at the suggestion of enlightened management. The most common type of teams is quality circles, problem solving, virtual teams, and management teams. Quality circles: Minute groups of workers as of the similar job region who frequently meets to talk about and advise solutions to occupation lay problems. Quality circles are Problem solving: Problem solving teams are temporary teams establish to attack specific problems in the work place Virtual teams: Teams where the major interaction amongst members is by various electronic information and message procedure Management teams: Consists of managers on or after a range of areas; they manage work teams. Motivation: Motivation refers to the psychological forces that determine the direction of peoples behavior, their level of effort and level of persistence. Motivation is an internal state that directs individuals toward certain goals and objectives. Source of motivation: How does employee motivation impact organizational performance? Employee motivation plays a great fraction in an organizations presentation and output consequences. Motivation encourages populace to try and attain their chosen job and goals. For many, motivation provides a sense of accomplishment and the good emotion of belonging to an association in control of their destination. Being part of something structured can frequently offer much motivation for employees. Lack of motivation among the work strength can result in low encouragement to achieve, promote negative feeling about the association and the organizations concerns about its workers. Organizations who promote optimistic motivation express consciousness and acknowledgement about their staff further attractive creativity and efficiency results Extrinsic motivation: Related to tangible rewards, e.g. salary, security, conditions of work promotion, Intrinsic motivation: Related to psychological rewards, e.g. a sense of challenge and achievement, receiving appreciation Management and leadership plays a major role in the behaviour of the organization, now we will see the relation they have towards there groups and teams. How Google motivate their employees? Google wrote a programme related to their employees they use their engineers what they did by the end of the week .Google use to send them email on every Monday, and focus the emails to collect in a file that everybody can examine. The mail will be transfer to every person and shames who did not respond by putting them top of the list. It has been fallowed every week from the time when we started, so each week of our companys history will have a evidence of what each person did. it`s good for presentation reviews, and if you are joining a development team, in a small number of minutes you can examine what your team members did the most recent weeks or months. How Google motivates employees Management: Management is about changing behaviour and making things happen, it is an everyday activity involving interactions between people. Management is defined as the process of achieving organizational effectiveness with in altering surroundings by matching competence, efficiency and fairness, obtaining the majority from incomplete resources, and functioning with and through other people. Elements of management: Planning Organizing Command Co-ordination Control Leadership: Leader ship is a matter of making difference and is a combination of persuasion and compulsion that results in making people do things they might not otherwise have done. Good management leadership helps to develop team work and the mixing of person and assembly goals, it aids essential motivation by emphasize the significance of the work people do and importance on interpersonal behaviour in a broader situation. A balance between management and leadership: In the organization the team leader seems to be halo affixed, whereas the phase manager is seen to have incredible of sigma. Leader establish direction for group and gain the group members commitment and motivate them to achieve goals to move in that direction, whereas manager brings to brain less-charismatic persons annoying to construct people in to more competent device in the business engine. Considering the definition of management we can see that leadership is actually a sub-category of management. Applying these concepts for manager and leader within the location of a team, we discover attractive results: If there be a team leader that is obvious to be uninterrupted by income of the team member necessities, or have a personality plan more important than the teams goals, then the leader is obvious to be more of a manager and become alienated from the team members. On the other hand, the team leaders most conventional and loyally followed are persons who reveal worry for the team members as folks with actual necessities, and are persons who put The reason of the group above there. Googles Organizational Behavior Main factors and procedures that organisational behaviour contributed to the success of Google: Google is one of the majority flourishing internet based industry. The achievement of the Google is fixed on its exceptional organizational practices and core competencies. Google formulae of accomplishment are not only its knowledgeable expertise but also its insistent ability to come up with both inventive and profit oriented projects. The inventive ability of Google combined with incorporated process in the supportive culture creates sustainable competitive benefit. For instance ,Google describes as investigate engine leader to facilitate create latest fangled opinion by physically powerful speed or what they call the 70-20-10rule where the staff predominantly engineers are buoyant to use 70%of their functioning time on top of central trade functions,20% on related business functions ,and 10% on areas completely of their own choice. The Googles are aggravated to put in their suggestions, thoughts, or no matter which that pertains to possible income gaining actions all the way through a range of means like meetings, intranet, and additional forms of message. Team work is another main factor for Google achievement. it is confirmed that engineers effort in teams in doing projects. The teams have whole independence relating to their projects and the habits in which they will attempt on it. Organizational communication is also a core means of Google. Communication serves four most important functions within a group or organization as well as control, motivation, emotional expression, and information. This serves as the lane through which ideas , suggestions, and in sights that would potentially produce alter and innovative features within the organization or discussed. On the feature of HRM, Google has a distinct employment method that is surrounded on the improved significance on appreciated intelligence and mind power more than experience. Major factors that make a payment to the extraordinary achievement of google are the capability on the way to innovate, exceptional teamwork in the middle of Googles, flourishing message process, and distintinctive service events. These are given critical factors and core competencies that make up the successful organizational. Negative aspects of Google culture: When there is positive aspect there are chances for negative aspects in the same way there are some negative aspects for Google. Google is having a very good reputation in the internet industry though they have a very good status in the internet business here are a small number of criticisms in the organizational background of the company. The negative features of Google culture are nonappearance of clear organization structure, work principles, poor worker relations and its casual work culture. The unclear definition of management structure leads to organizational divergence. Divergence is a hazard because staff has conflicting values and practice different situations. Management theorys used as a corpse of awareness that will direct the engineers and project managers in constructing excellent decisions for the advantage of the whole organization. Google is also criticized for its unique recruitment process. Critics describes the process of Google recruitment is narrow. Google is also called up on its problematic employee relations and in efficient organizational behavior Google on no account kept their schedule or activitys on time and forever turns up late for clients presentation. Positive and negative aspects of organisation will have influence of groups and teams .in the organisation some teams and groups function effectively while some other groups and teams in organisation dysfunction. This will directly reflect on the positive and negative aspects of the organisation, now we will critically evaluate why some teams and groups in the organisation function effectively while some others dysfunctional? The exercise of groups and teams within organisations has enlarged on an international scale in current years. This detail on your own suggests with the intention of a group demographic confers several concrete benefits to an organisation. Group is a set of people brought jointly through the set of plan that their personality skills resolve to higher productivity when combined. The employees may comprise similar skills in a particular field of the companys movement. For ex. The group research and development employees brought to gather for the focus groups involved in the development of Google chrome. Google chrome: Google chrome is a browser designed by the Google to work exclusively with web applications. Designed goals and directions of Google chrome are as follows: User interface Architecture Remote application access Hard ware support Integrated media player Printing Like handling Security. Groups may also have complementary skills that allow them assist in the direction of a common goal. The staffs with in the corporation have enormous impact upon how the corporation functions and on its output, so it is significant for business to inspect and re-examine their organisational behaviour. Factors and process which influence group effectiveness: Task orientation- an efficient groups is the majority possible to stay alert on its aims and targets that some one personality on your own and will be a great deal more focused than a dysfunctional group. This possibly will be achieved of through an organization goals and targets for the group as they progress through a task. Motivation through hierarchical flattening- The introduction of equality by the adding up of management within the group structure. The crash of barriers stuck between support staff and organization can lead to extra stress-free working environment. Also organization with in group can uphold the focus and direction of the group. A successful group will be skilled to introduce a new member to the culture of the organization rapidly so the new member may not waste time in settling in. Group norms can serve to facilitate goal achievement- if each group member knows how he is to behave and what is expected of them, and then greater productivity is sure to ensue. If suitable rewards are deliberately offered to the maximum performing group then opposition will increase In a successful group the aims and targets are complete clear to all members, no one is puzzled or left exclusive of a task, nor are farm duties duplicated. Based up on social identify theory and the ordinary desire to uphold optimistic self perception; people like to identify with high status groups and subsequently will work hard to stay associated with them. The stereotyping of out-group factors can facilitate in -group unity High expectations placed upon a group can lead its members to function more effectively. Some possible benefits of high expectations are: Increased responsibility Independence and trust Praise Room for creativity Seek comments Over look minor setback A group working successfully will make easy cultural differences, for example, Americans and French tend to prefer not to work in a group where as the Japanese do. The construction of a successful group may be due to its members living and socializing jointly, for example; the Google employees live together in apartment style accommodation; this creates a sense of group harmony and also defines each members role in the strict hierarchy within the organization. Factors and process which influence groups to dysfunction: Group norms can delay goal achievement, particularly if an associate of the group is intractable. In a group where norms are unidentified or deviated as of certain employees; as an alternative of tolerant and adhering to the norms, it takes longer for upcoming members to connect in and be accepted. One of the major flaws in a dysfunctional group is similar to to be communal loafing; the responsibility of each person is diminished, they everyone feel they can get away with a minor amount of work than if they are functioning alone. This might be due to the idleness on the part of staff or inaccurate organizational behavior on the division of the employer, for example having groups consisting of too numerous members or not allocating the accurate quantity of work to a group. Unclear instructions or briefs provided by higher authority could lead to a team performing poorly. If a new member of the group joins, it will take time for them to learn the group norms, dysfunctional groups may be the result of regular membership reshuffling A dysfunctional group may be the result of combining contrasting cultures; an example of this is the fusion of Chrysler and Daimler-Benz-the cultures clashed and the groups of the two sets of employees did not get along. Motivational incentives can cause disharmony among group members, if members of the group pitted against one another in competition this can often backfire and be counterproductive with the faster slowing down to keep pace with their slower working friends. Competition for leadership can lead to loss of focus and productivity A social phenomenon called groupthink can result from certain conditions, usually when the group is successfully and has excited for a while. The symptoms of group think are: Pressure to conform applied by other members of the group- this can stifle individual input. Self censorship-a group member may hold their tongue if they feel they are in the minority Feeling of unanimity and invulnerability-individuals in a group, especially a successful one, may develop an arrogance that could lead the group in rash and risky directions A group may become dysfunctional if it is under threat; this is called the crises factor and can panic group members in to rash choices and sub-par work. A group can deteriorate in performance if it is rife with negative stereotyping-the perception-the perception of a whole individual based up on specific attributes has implications for selection, promotion and performance evaluation. If individuals do not feel pride in a group then they will attempt to change the status of the group and try to detach themselves from it A group may become dysfunctional if low expectations are placed upon them. Some negative impacts of low expectations include: Decreased responsibility Directive instructions Emphasis of mistakes Less attention paid to comments/suggestions To predict how groups behave; certain psychological models can be applied; specifically tuck mans model of group development and Gersicks punctuated equilibrium model. The following is a representation of tuck man and gersicks model superimposed: A group working effectively will progress through the stages quickly to the performing stage after resolving any leadership disputes and establishing norms early on. Effective groups will contain members that have complementary skills and personalities, a group may work well if they have been formed for a long time or if they have worked to gather before as this greatly diminishes the effects of stages1-3 of tuckman`s model. A dysfunctional group will spend longer on the earlier stages not performing this could be due to number of factors either attributable to the individuals within the group or the management that assembled the group. The management may have chosen individuals that are not suited to the task they may not posess the necessary skills, or have little cooperation or leadership qualitys. It could simply be due to the fact the group members do not get along socially, this can lead to lower productivity so it may be wise to form a group of individuals of prior acquaintanc e. This could however have a negative impact if the colleagues have a social relationship they may not focus up on the task in hand. General Electric Case Study Managing Groups and Teams within Organizations Recognize and understand group dynamics and development Understand the difference between groups and teams Compare and contrast different types of teams Understand how to design effective teams Explore teams and ethics Understand cross-cultural influences on teams In Durham, North Carolina, Robert Henderson was opening a factory for General Electric (GE). The goal of the factory was to manufacture the largest commercial jet engine in the world. Hendersons opportunity was great and so were his challenges. GE hadnt designed a jet engine from the ground up for over two decades. Developing the jet engine project had already cost GE $1.5 billion. That was a huge sum of money to invest-and an unacceptable sum to lose should things go wrong in the manufacturing stage. How could one person fulfill such a vital corporate mission? The answer, Henderson decided, was that one person couldnt fulfill the mission. Even Jack Welch, GEs CEO at the time said, We now know where productivity comes from. It comes from challenged, empowered, excited, rewarded teams of peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Empowering factory workers to contribute to GEs success sounded great in theory. But how to accomplish these goals in real life was a more challenging question. Factory floors, traditionally, are unempowered workplaces where workers are more like cogs in a vast machine than self-determining team members. In the name of teamwork and profitability, Henderson traveled to other factories looking for places where worker autonomy was high. He implemented his favorite ideas at the factory at Durham. Instead of hiring generic mechanics, for example, Henderson hired staffers with FAA mechanics licenses. This superior training created a team capable of making vital decisions with minimal oversight, a fact that upped the factorys output and his workers feelings of worth. Hendersons self-managing factory functioned beautifully. And it looked different, too. Plant manager Jack Fish described Hendersons radical factory, saying Henderson didnt want to see supervisors, he didnt want to see forklifts running all over the place, he didnt even want it to look traditional. Theres clutter in most plants, racks of parts and so on. He didnt want that. Henderson also contracted out non-job-related chores, like bathroom cleaning, that might have been assigned to workers in traditional factories. His insistence that his workers should contribute their highest talents to the team showed how much he valued them. And his team valued their jobs in turn. Six years later, a Fast Company reporter visiting the plant noted, GE/Durham team members take such pride in the engines they make that they routinely take brooms in hand to sweep out the beds of the 18-wheelers that transport those engines-just to make sure that no damage occurs in transit. For his part, Henderson, who remained at GE beyond the project, noted I was just constantly amazed by what was accomplished there.  © 2010 Jupiterimages Corpor ation Teamwork can make something as complex as an airplane engine possible. GEs bottom line showed the benefits of teamwork, too. From the early 1980s, when Welch became CEO, until 2000, when he retired, GE generated more wealth than any organization in the history of the world. Sources: Fishman, C. (September 1999). How teamwork took flight. Fast Company Issue 28,; Lear, R. (Jul/Aug 1998). Jack Welch speaks: Wisdom from the worlds greatest business leader, Chief Executive; Guttman, H. (Jan-Feb 2008). Leading high-performance teams: horizontal, high-performance teams with real decision-making clout and accountability for results can transform a company, Chief Executive, 231, 33. Conclusion: Many factors and process that influences group effectiveness or dysfunction has been highlighted. Organization should consider carefully when assembling and structuring any group or team because both the market and the organization should work under the organization .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Philosophy of Teaching Statement :: Educating Education Essays Teacher
Philosophy of Teaching Statement As a freshman in college, I was faced with one of the most important decisions of my life. I had to decide where I wanted my college education to go and what I wanted to become as an adult. My whole freshman year, I struggled to make a decision. My family encouraged me to major in business, because even if I didn’t like my job they felt that I could make a lot of money and have financial security. They didn’t feel like education was the right career for me. I felt like it was important for me to have a career that was emotionally fulfilling to me rather than having a career that I would make a lot of money. I have always enjoyed math; I took many extra math classes while I was in high school. I also wanted to become a teacher. Finally in the last few months of the year I came to a decision; I decided I wanted to become a math teacher and teach eighth grade math. So, I decided to pursue a degree in math and general science (5-9) Education. It was a hu ge relief to me when I finally decided to become a teacher; I feel very happy with the decision I have made. I want to make a positive difference in kids’ lives and I feel this is the best way for me to do that. No two students are alike so, you have to respond accordingly. Some students come to school to learn and make a life for themselves. Other students only come to school because it is a requirement. Teachers cannot expect to have only students who want to be in school. Teachers must use different teaching methods in order to make sure that all the students learn the material, which is where teaching philosophies come into play. In our education classes we are asked to think about the types of educational philosophies we will use in our classrooms to teach. My views on education philosophies are eclectic. I agree with essentialism, progressivism, and behaviorism. The core of a teacher is his or her beliefs and philosophies.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
History of Nursing Essay
Over time there have been numerous books about the degree of relevance that nursing is given as a profession and as a form of science. This paper shall seek to present a comparative discussion on two books that are of prominence in this regard. The first is Handling the sick: the women of St. Luke’s and the nature of nursing, 1892-1937 by Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh, while the second is Ordered to care: the dilemma of American nursing, 1850-1945 by Susan Reverby. The following paragraphs shall attempt to highlight the key areas of this book and shall attempt to present a contrast between the perspectives that they present. Susan Reverby states very clearly in the first few pages of her book: â€Å"I will argue that nursing is a form of labor shaped by the obligation to care. But its history, and ultimately its identity cannot be understood unless the bond that has wedded it to womanhood is also unraveled and revealed†(Reverby, 1987, p. 1) It is evident from this excerpt that the focus of Susan Reverby’s book – Ordered to Care is not nursing itself, but nursing as a profession that is generally accredited to women. She does not present details that could be attributed to her perspective of nursing as a profession that can be regarded as equal for both genders but chooses to address nursing as it evolved for the woman of the society and how the woman’s ability to care became an integral part of modern day nursing. In Ordered to Care, Susan Reverby frequently mentions historical events in the history of nursing that served to change the way that nursing is perceived today. She does so in order to present propositions and claims in retrospect and seeks to provide the reader with a cause-and-effect based relationship between the events that she brings up. Susan Reverby is of the opinion that nursing underwent a steady paced process through which it was eventually feminized. She mentions nursing revolutionists such as Elizabeth Christopher Hobson and also mentions pioneers in the field of nursing such as the kinds of Florence Nightingale. Susan Reverby gives special regard to the nursing as a woman’s profession in her book and highlights the areas and events that led to the development of nursing to a point where it can now be considered to be a profession that is free of any form of negative sexuality that could be expected to give room to eroticism as was the case in 1872. A Georgia Sturtevant may have been impressed by hospital order and the gentleness of the nurses, but charity reformer Elizabeth Christopher Hobson was overwhelmed in 1872 by the unspeakable dirt, foul smells and disorder she encountered when touring New York’s Bellevue Hospital†(Reverby, 1987, p. 39) It is however, essential to highlight that through discussions such as the author Susan Reverby is by no means attempting to present a chronological elaboration of nursing but is in fact seeking to develop the bigger picture through which a reader can see exactly how nursing has become the complex profession it is perceived as today. When one was to read Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh’s Handling the sick: the women of St. Luke’s and the nature of nursing, 1892-1937, it is evident that the authors were just as inspired by revolutionary and pioneering figures in the history of nursing as was Susan Reverby in Ordered to care: the dilemma of American nursing. The presence of this relationship can be surmised through the fact that while Susan Reverby chooses to elaborate on the precise implications that Florence Nightingale had on nursing, Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh choose to begin their book with her quotation. In the book Handling the sick: the women of St. Luke’s and the nature of nursing, 1892-1937 by Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh, the authors choose to focus on the development of nursing as a profession with regard to the general external factors that had an implication on nursing when nursing from the late 1890s to the late 1930s. The authors provide an discussion on the evolution of nursing during this time period in manner in which they choose to discuss aspects such as technology and the desire amongst nursing professionals to associate nursing with aspects that pertained to care and concern for patients rather than with aspects that pertained to technological advancements. Also, while Susan Reverby chooses to rest her discussion on nursing upon the evolution of nursing with respect to the role and perception of women in the field of nursing, Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh choose to rest their discussion on not only the events and incidents that served an integral purpose in the dictation of the history of nursing but also address how research on nursing during the years of 1892 and 1937 contributed to the development of the nursing profession and the evolution of its perception in society. A major work on Nebraska nursing education, for instance, concludes that little direct evidence exists about early training programs because, in general, programs did not keep records. In place of such evidence, the study is typical of other in its dependence on accreditation material from the state board of nursing, along with legislative documents, to infer what apprenticeship in nursing was like†(Olson & Walsh, 2004, p. 4). Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh are of the opinion that the degree to which professionalism has dominated nursing and the degree to which historians have chosen to give reverence to professionalism in their portrayal of nursing history play highly significant roles in the history of nursing. It is also evident that the authors have chosen to present nursing as a field which is influenced significantly as a result of new developments. These new developments may not necessarily have to be associated with the constituent elements of nursing but can also be found to exist in the form of the development of the perception of nursing in society. It can therefore be surmised that while Ordered to care: the dilemma of American nursing, 1850-1945 by Susan Reverby is a highly credible and informative book, the author appears to have given a high degree of regard to the role of women in the evolution of American nursing. On the other hand, Handling the sick: the women of St. Luke’s and the nature of nursing, 1892-1937 by Tom Craig Olson and Eileen Walsh appears to provide a more broader picture towards nursing and its evolution by discussing not only the contribution of pioneering figures and revolutionary events in nursing but by also providing an insight into the evolution of the nursing profession in general.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Calorie Definition in Chemistry
Calorie Definition in Chemistry A calorie is a unit of energy, but whether or not the c in the word is capitalized matters. Heres what you need to know: Calorie Definition A calorie is a unit of thermal energy equal to 4.184 joules or the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of liquid water 1 °C at standard pressure. Sometimes a calorie (written with a lowercase c) is called a small calories or a gram calorie. The symbol for the calorie is cal. When the word Calorie is written with an uppercase C, it refers to the large calorie, food calorie, or kilogram calorie. The Calorie is 100 calories or the amount of thermal energy needed to heat one kilogram of water one degree Celsius. Calorie History Nicolas Clà ©ment, a French chemist and physicist, first defined the calorie as a unit of heat or thermal energy in 1824. The word calorie comes from the Latin word calor, which means heat. The small calorie was defined in English and French dictionaries around 1841 to 1867. Wilbur Olin Atwater introduced the large calorie in 1887. Calorie Versus Joule The calorie is based on joules, grams, and degrees Celsius, so in a way its a metric unit, but the official unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI) is simply the joule. In the modern era, its more common to express thermal energy in terms of joules per kelvin per gram or kilogram. These values relate to the specific heat capacity of water. While the small calorie is still used sometimes in chemistry and the large calorie is used for food, joules (J) and kilojoules (kJ) are the preferred units.
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